Analysis Report on Biomass Production in 2020 in the Sahel 06/11/202009/01/2024Positive rainy season in the SahelSurplus of biomass production compared to the normal over almost the entire Sahelian zoneLocally negative biomass production in Western Mauritania, in the regions of Tagant, Brakna and TrarzaLocally moderately negative biomass production in the Matam region of SenegalDeficits in biomass production quite critical in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Central West, Central Plateau and Central East regionsNegative biomass production in isolated enclaves especially in the northern pastoral zone of Barh-El-Gazel, Batha and Ennedi-EstDifficult economic context due to the sanitary measure and associated restrictions following the COVID-19 pandemicSecurity context severely hindering herd mobility and access to pasture and water resources in the Central SahelReport in English downloadable here