Benin Dashboard: Pastoral – COVID-19 Surveillance 18/05/202016/02/2024This dashboard aims to measure the economic impacts of COVID-19 on pastoral populations. This system is based on the already existing systems of ACF and RBM. It allows to give us weekly information about the situation of the pastoral households.This dashboard can be found Here
Mauritanie Alert on the crisis situation for livestock farmers and agro-pastoralists exacerbated by COVID-19 17/04/202023/08/2024This note describes and underscores the critical situation of agro-pastoralists depending on biomass production zones from northern Senegal to southern Mauritania, and how their vulnerability can be exacerbated by the restrictive measures implemented to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.Its objective, relying on quantitative description, is to encourage policymakers, technical and financial partners, as well as response actors to mobilize quickly and to incorporate pastoral issues into COVID-19 specific response plans through short, medium, and long-term recommendations.Full advocacy note available (ENG) ici.
Biomasse Bulletin on Biomass Production and Surface Water in the Sahel, Mid-Season of the 2018 Rainy Season 07/09/201809/01/2024The 2018 rainy season benefits from generally favorable rainfall across the Sahel, and biomass production follows this overall positive trend.Regions in the central and northern parts of Senegal have experienced a break in precipitation since the end of July, resulting in a deficit in biomass production that impacts the development of pastures and crops. Senegal is in a negative biomass production situation for the 5th consecutive year.The western regions of Mauritania, especially Brakna and Trarza, are experiencing deficits for the second consecutive year. Regions in the central and western parts of Mali (Mopti, Kayes) have a moderate biomass production deficit, which could be compensated by moderately favorable precipitation forecasts for the end of the rainy season.The western regions of Niger (Tahoua) faced a delayed onset of the rainy season, leading to low biomass production early in the season. However, the situation has been improving since the beginning of August, indicating a good vegetation regeneration to reach a normal level.The Eastern region of Burkina Faso records a slight deficit in biomass production, but it has been trending towards a normal production level since mid-July.Download bulletin here