Biomasse Analysis Report on Biomass Production in 2020 in the Sahel 06/11/202009/01/2024Positive rainy season in the SahelSurplus of biomass production compared to the normal over almost the entire Sahelian zoneLocally negative biomass production in Western Mauritania, in the regions of Tagant, Brakna and TrarzaLocally moderately negative biomass production in the Matam region of SenegalDeficits in biomass production quite critical in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Central West, Central Plateau and Central East regionsNegative biomass production in isolated enclaves especially in the northern pastoral zone of Barh-El-Gazel, Batha and Ennedi-EstDifficult economic context due to the sanitary measure and associated restrictions following the COVID-19 pandemicSecurity context severely hindering herd mobility and access to pasture and water resources in the Central SahelReport in English downloadable here
Publications Monthly Bulletin on Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 on Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Households – August 2020 22/09/202009/01/2024Download the bulletin Here
Publications Monthly Bulletin on Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 on Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Households – July 2020 17/08/202009/01/2024Download the report Here
Publications Monthly Bulletin on Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 on Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Households – June 2020 14/07/202009/01/2024Download the bulletin Here
Monthly Bulletin on Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 on Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Households – June 2020 08/07/202008/05/2024Download the bulletin Here
Publications Monthly Bulletin on Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 on Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Households – May 2020 11/06/202009/01/2024Download the bulletin Here
Benin Dashboard: Pastoral – COVID-19 Surveillance 18/05/202016/02/2024This dashboard aims to measure the economic impacts of COVID-19 on pastoral populations. This system is based on the already existing systems of ACF and RBM. It allows to give us weekly information about the situation of the pastoral households.This dashboard can be found Here
Mauritanie Alert on the crisis situation for livestock farmers and agro-pastoralists exacerbated by COVID-19 17/04/202023/08/2024This note describes and underscores the critical situation of agro-pastoralists depending on biomass production zones from northern Senegal to southern Mauritania, and how their vulnerability can be exacerbated by the restrictive measures implemented to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.Its objective, relying on quantitative description, is to encourage policymakers, technical and financial partners, as well as response actors to mobilize quickly and to incorporate pastoral issues into COVID-19 specific response plans through short, medium, and long-term recommendations.Full advocacy note available (ENG) ici.
Biomasse Analysis Report on Sahel Biomass 2019 21/10/201923/08/2024Highlights:Overall, biomass production in the Sahel for the 2019 season shows a significant deterioration compared to the 2018 biomass levels. Senegal, Mauritania, and the pastoral areas in northern Niger and Chad require significant attention. These areas could experience an early and prolonged dry season. In addition to biomass deficits, some of these regions are also affected by surface water deficits, as seen in the southwest of Tagant (Mauritania).Pastoral areas in Senegal and Mauritania are still recovering from successive droughts that have occurred over the past six years in these regions. Therefore, the impacts of biomass deficits will be magnified as decimated herds struggle to find pastures and water.Elsewhere, there are moderate biomass deficits in the pastoral areas of northern Niger (Zinder and Diffa) to the East, as well as in some parts of Tahoua and Tillabéry to the West. A similar situation is observed in Chad. Most of these deficit areas are in proximity to surplus areas. If herd mobility is not hindered, herders should be able to find pastures. However, in conflict or banditry-prone areas, which are intensifying in the Sahel region (Burkina Faso, Niger – Tillabéry, Tahoua, Diffa – and Mali – Gao, Mopti), this may be less evident.Given these trends and the significant biomass deficit, pastoral situations need regular monitoring. An early response to the dry season in Senegal and Mauritania should be undertaken promptly.Recommendations:Refer to the ACF Early Warning Guide on Biomass at: rapid assessments in deficit areas to determine community needs.Government and humanitarian actors: Adjust intervention plans and emergency measures to accommodate a potential early pastoral dry season in Mauritania and Senegal. Consider incorporating the following interventions:Strengthening public livestock services and pastoral organizations.Distribution of animal feed.Livestock restocking/de-stocking.Veterinary support and livestock vaccination.Cash transfers.Download report here
Biomasse Analysis Report on Sahel Biomass 2018 19/10/201809/01/2024Highlights:Overall, biomass production in the Sahel for the 2018 season shows a significant improvement compared to the drought in 2017. However, there are still concerning deficit areas in Senegal and Mauritania that require special attention. These areas could potentially experience an early and prolonged dry season. In addition to the biomass deficit, these areas are also experiencing a deficit in surface water. This marks the fifth consecutive year of biomass deficit in the pastoral zones of Senegal and Mauritania.While much of the Sahel is currently experiencing a “good” season, pastoral communities are still recovering from the 2017/2018 drought. Consequently, the impacts of biomass deficits will be amplified as decimated herds struggle to find pasture and water.Elsewhere, there are moderate biomass deficits in Eastern Burkina Faso, Central Mali (Mopti), and certain parts of Tahoua and Tillabery in Niger. Most of these deficit areas are in proximity to surplus areas. If herd mobility is not hindered, herders should be able to find pastures. However, in conflict or banditry-prone areas (such as Mopti or Tahoua), this may be less evident.Despite a significant improvement in conditions since the previous year, pastoral situations should continue to be monitored. Preparations for the dry season in Senegal and Mauritania should be undertaken without delay.Recommandations:Refer to ACF’s Early Warning Guide on Available Biomass at: Rapid Assessments in Deficit Areas to Determine Community Needs.Government and Humanitarian Actors: Adjust intervention plans and emergency measures to account for the current lean season at the beginning of the pastoral season in Mauritania and Senegal, potentially including the following interventions:Strengthening public livestock services and pastoral organizations.Distribution of animal feed.Restocking/de-stocking.Veterinary support and livestock vaccination.Cash transfers.Download the report here